Annoyed. Why is Things Remembered so crowded on a rainy Wednesday night I thought to myself as I waited in a long line to get a gift engraved.
So in true Hadley fashion I turned to the woman and her son waiting next to me in line and struck up a conversation. The son was picking up his attendant gifts for his wedding in three days. We talked about his big day, the rehearsal dinner, and the honeymoon. The mother just smiled and commented here and there about her "baby's" big day. She later told me how embarrassed she was about her old t-shirt and sweats she was wearing, she vowed that she would never come to the mall in this but that she wants to spend every second she can with her son, because he lives in England. I laughed and told her she looks fine, and I understood completely as I don't live close to either of my parents.

Will, Dad, & Me
They both noticed that I was wearing a Race for the Cure t-shirt, and inquired if I was a runner? I thought about making some ridiculous comment, but instead replied "yes, I would like to think of myself as a runner." The conversation went on from there, and ended with them giving me information on a 10K run to benefit mesothelioma. As the mother went onto explain the race tears streamed down her face as she told me it was to benefit her husband who succumbed to the horrible disease recently. I couldn't help but to give her a hug as tears started to stream down my face. As the line dissipated and they got their gifts, we said our goodbyes and as they walked out the son said " by the way, I'm coming home early from my honeymoon for the race, so if you can't make it don't feel bad." I laughed and replied " I will be there."
One hour and four minutes. That was my 10k time that rainy Sunday morning. As I ran Burke Lake with people I had never met, benefiting a man I never had the privilege to know I felt so blessed for everything in my life: family, friends, a great job, good health, the list is endless. I approached the mother and son after the race, I never told them my name nor did I know there's so as I reached out my hand to introduce myself I said hi, I'm Hadley the girl from Things Remembered. Olga, hugged me and again we both began to cry. That race, that day, that family are things i will always remember.