Love Ya Like A Sister:
This term became pretty popular when I was in elementary school, and has since faded away into overused slang heaven. So I've decided to revisit it. Although it's cheesy it also has great truth to it. I am blessed to have an amazing big brother, whom I love more than anything, let me just say that first and foremost, I would not trade him for the world. But as many girls do, I always wanted a sister: someone to share makeup and clothes with, talk about boys, etc. Although I may not have any of blood relation, I'm damn lucky to have some friends who I consider to be more like my family.
Stephanie, Jordan, Elizabeth, & Sarah have all been some of my best friends for what seems like to be forever. We've been through disasters, deaths, divorces, dumpings, delinquency, and all that falls in between. They have all supported me at my worst and been my biggest cheerleaders when I was at my best.
Stephanie and I met in the first grade during our brothers Cub Scout Meeting. We were sitting on the swing set at our Elementary School sipping on lemonade. You know the phrase opposites attract? Well, physically Stephanie and I were as different as night and day. Many referred to her during her childhood as Anne Frank, super skinny with dark hair, braces, big glasses, and some thick bangs. If you've read my previous blog entries you know that I was the fat girl, with light hair, and squinty eyes. Obviously, we were the perfect match; SS & HH. She pushes me to do things outside of comfort zone, reminds me to take time for myself, constantly tells me how it is whether I want to hear it or not. I think my mom puts it best, " She's just Steph. tride and true. She will always be there."

Jordan and I met before we started Kindergarten at a birthday party. She was my very first friend at St. Paul. We were both daddy's girls,loved all things girly, boy crazy, and always getting in trouble for talking. Fast Forward to 20 years later and if you met us individually you would never think we could be best friends. Jordan is always wearing the latest trends, partying at the coolest places, and never ceasing to amaze me with her fashion choices. I wear my little sun dresses and Ann Taylor sweaters. She is my humor, my advice giver, my reassurer that everything is going to be ok even if it feels like it won't be, and the best hugger, and she's promised me when I get married she'll take the black nail polish off.
Elizabeth & Sarah were mentioned in a previous post so I won't bore ya'll with repeating our story. Neither Elizabeth or Sarah are super emotional:Everyone knows I'm the first to say how much I love them, or how grateful I am for their friendship so I think jokingly when we would return to our respective homes { all on the same street} our parting words would be LYLAS, how appropriate. Back then it was a joke, but those girls truly are family.

We may not dress alike, have the same taste in music or boys, at times we're a bit dysfunctional but that's what makes us, us. There's a quote that I love about best friends : "We're best friends because our mothers couldn't have handled us as sisters." so ladies, LYLAS.