A Nashville native, who now calls Arlington, VA home. Navigating through life with big dreams, southern charm, a foul mouth, and an ever present smile.
My Grandaddy: Perry M. Gwaltney, Jr.
He would rarely talk about his time in the military always changing the subject to something more pleasant. But one thing he would gladly talk about day and night was his time at VMI. He wore his class ring everyday, and when it was time to get dressed up he would proudly sport his VMI tie. I"m honored to have that same tie and his diploma hanging on my wall. A constant reminder of his hard work and dedication to give himself and his family a better life.
Allegheny Country Club, Sewickley, PA where we spent our summers
He worked at the Pentagon for the water port general staff once he got home from the war. His work was top secret, in the messaging department for General Marshall and lasted several months until be began working at Chubb and Son. With a degree from Harvard he was a force to be reckoned with.
Chubb and Son was referred to as “ the tiffany’s of the business” and provided my granddaddy a home until his retirement. He worked as an underwriter for the company. It came as no surprise that he worked his way up in the company to director and ultimately senior vice president.
Cartoon that hung in my grandparents house.
He loved to read, eat, play golf, and tennis, but above all else he loved to spend time with his family. Every Tuesday and Thursday my granddaddy and I would have phone dates. It was mostly me talking about school, parties, college life, friends, boyfriends, etc, he was always a great listener, probably because he was so shocked at the things I would share with him. He would always tell me to work hard, and encourage me to follow my dreams. He served our country and protected our freedoms, and for that I will forever be thankful. He was a man of true integrity, and a true gentleman. So granddaddy I salute you and all of the other men and women who have so bravely served our country. I hope that he's letting the cheap vodka flow up there in Heaven.
A proud Granddaughter... let the legacy continue
And he bowed his head to Jesus
And he stood for Uncle Sam
And he only loved one woman
(He) was always proud of what he had
He said his greatest contribution
Is the ones you leave behind
Raised on the ways and gentle kindness
Of a small town Southern man
(Raised on the ways and gentle kindness)
(Of a small town Southern man)