I never understood why she did a lot of the things that she did; now i find myself doing the exact same things. "Why are you cleaning for Granny and Granddady to come visit, they're your parents they don't care what thehouse looks like" i would say to her. Whenever my parents come to visit the week leading up to their arrival i'm vacuuming the apartment, doing laundry, scrubbing toilets- just like my mom did. When i would pull out my lunch at school that my mom had made i was horrified to find the Kroger brand pudding, or Kroger brand pretzels in my lunch box. "Why do you have to buy the generic brands" i would ask my mom, everyone else has name brands {yes, at this stage in my life i was kind of a bitch} Every Monday - Friday that i pack my lunch at work most items are Harris Teeter brand just likewhen my mom would pack my lunch.

When i was younger i would try to hide certain things from my mom, or avoid answering questions when she would ask. Now that i am older i can't wait to tell my mom things; often times calling her late at night or early in the morning because i have things that i want to share with her. My mom is one of my best friends. Someone i know that i can tell anything, and not be judged for what i say. She listens with a mothers heart.

My mom has always been there, something that i tended to take for granted growing up, because the last thing that a teenage girl wants is for her mother to be around all the time. Now, that i'm an "adult" i urn for quality time with my mom because it is few and far between.
It was not until i got older that i saw my mom as a person, and not just "mom" she's stronger than she gives herself credit for, wiser than i ever gave her credit for, has such a pure heart, and to have put up with my brother and me for all of those years the patience of a saint. I can only hope that one day i will be just like my mom.