cherry pies are not supposed to be white. Well, some how I managed to make mine white. Fudge pies are not meant to be liquid, well, somehow I managed to make one that would have been easier to consume through a straw than with a fork. let's just say everyone who ate that pie, lived to regret it...
Growing up we had a home cooked meal every night, and every Sunday we grilled out: typically pork chops or "Hines burgers." Typically dinner is a time for people - family, friends, loved ones- to get together to share a meal and enjoy each others company. Junior year of high school we decided to cook dinner for our boyfriends: I was in charge of the chicken... let's just say thank goodness for 10 minute rice because that's all we ate that night!
My culinary skills have improved over the years, this impart is due greatly to my patience level increasing. However, I can never cook a Crockpot meal, while I'm at home because I take the lid off every 10 minutes to check on it! One thing I learned the hard way is that the old saying "different strokes for different folks" defiantly applies to appetites. One of my favorite desserts is Chess pie { for those of you who've never had it it's basically a pecan pie without the pecans} I made it for our friend Thanksgiving dinner 2 years ago, one of my best friends, Lisa was the first to take a bite. She gasped, and spit it out. It went downhill from there. Recently I decided to give the ole Chess Pie another shot... they loved it! Maybe our tastes mature with age, or maybe my culinary skills were awful.
My favorite sandwich will always be peanut butter and cheese, and my favorite meal will always be chicken fingers and fries-- guess my tastes are yet to mature!
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