Dictionary.com defines a coworker as: a fellow worker; colleague. Over the past almost three years, I have formed a completely different definition of the word, coworker. Infact, I hate using the word coworker because of what it implies, simply someone whom you work with.

For me, the people that I work with are more like family. I spend more time with them than my own blood family, roommates, or friends. Some might say that we're an unlikely group, but we fit together like a puzzle. Sarah, Sarah, Nikki, Carrie, & I compliment each other. We all have our own qualities and attributes that others don't, but enough similarities that brought us together and keep us laughing day after day. Because of them I push myself to try new things, to be more open-minded, and over all just a better person.
Most people try to keep their distance at work, not divulging too much personal information, but not us. I love the fact that I know I have these girls to confide in, get advice from, laugh with, and eat lunch with every day. What's most important though is I know on any given day I have someone here who has my back, and cares about me outside of the professional environment.

As time moves on, and so do our careers I know the bond that we've created can't be broken. So dictionary.com I suggest you revisit that definition of a coworker.
LYLAS! love this post.